Troop Warrant Officers
Troop 29
Winter / Spring
About Warrant Officers
Warrant officers are selected by the Senior Patrol leader in consultation with his Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders. Scouts interested in holding a Warrant Officer position make application to the incoming SPL through an interview process which helps the potential candidate understand the requirements and time commitment of the position.
Warrant Officer Tools

About the PLC
Troop 29 elects scout leaders for six month terms. Supported by our adult leaders, these scouts are responsible for every aspect of the Troop 29 program and activities during their term of office. The scouts elected as leaders are generally among the more experienced Troop 29 has available. As a boy led troop we strive to allow these boys the opportunity to demonstrate the leadership skills they have been acquiring since joining Boy Scouts. Being on the PLC is an opportunity to put into practice the vision of Boy Scouting; to build leaders capable of making moral decisions.
Being elected is an honor.
With Honor comes responsibility.