Troop Committee: Tools & Forms

Using this page.
On this page we've tried to accumulate commonly used scouting tools, links, and general information. The page is broken down by the likely user of each set of information. To see the information for each category start by clicking on the image which best represents your scouting role. And, if you aren't sure where to start, or just want to see everything that is available use the expand/collapse links below.Please note, we've tried to indicate when files are extremely large, but honestly...most of these documents are so large we don't suggest opening them on mobile devices.
- Activity Planning
T29 Tour Coordinator Worksheet
Troop Planning Workbook
Trip Program Plan (rev4)
Activity Planning Milestones
Activity Expense Planning Worksheet (2013 version)
Summer Camp Expense Planning Worksheet (2013 version)
Activity Expense Planning Worksheet (2013 version)
T29 Activity Form (Blank)
T29 Adult Permission Form (Blank)
T29 Scout Permission Form (Blank)
BSA Lifeguard Application (34435)
- Advancement
- Merit Badge Counselor
- Board of Reviews
- Special Awards
- Finance
- Training