Standing Patrol's
Each patrol in Troop 29 is encouraged to give their patrol a unique name, create their
own cheer / yell, and to creat their own patrol flag. Additionally, we offer patrols
space on the web to post their patrol information and whatever scout worthy message they
may develop.
Cheer: Da good, da bad, daBears!
Cheer: KA-KAW, KA-KAW, KA-KAW! (Patrol flaps toward one another) Leader: KA-POW (as Thunderbirds assemble in a circle)
Cheer: We are wise...we are wise, wise, guys!
Cheer: Banananananananana Turtles! (Batman Theme)
Cheer: Oh no, Its the barking beavers! Chomp chomp chomp timberrrrrr.
Da Bears

Cheer: Da good, da bad, daBears!

Cheer: KA-KAW, KA-KAW, KA-KAW! (Patrol flaps toward one another) Leader: KA-POW (as Thunderbirds assemble in a circle)
Wise Guys

Cheer: We are wise...we are wise, wise, guys!
Banana Turtles

Cheer: Banananananananana Turtles! (Batman Theme)
Barking Beavers

Cheer: Oh no, Its the barking beavers! Chomp chomp chomp timberrrrrr.
Patrol Patches
While there are a number of standard patrol patches offerd by the BSA our patrols are allowed to get creative and develop their own unique patch provided it is an animal.