Summer Camp Plans
2024 Summer Activities Camp
Camp, and scouts. They go together like cookies and milk. When someone mentions 'they were a scout' how often are they reflecting back on the time they spent alone in the woods with their friends or reminiscing on some seminal moment of growth in their personal lives.
Step back and think about...
- An early morning with Scouts splashing into a cold lake while all around the lake steams as the morning sun creeps above the horizon.
- An archery bow stretched tight be a small hand and aimed at a bull’s-eye 30 feet away
- Hikers on a brush-laden trail creeping silently forward to see a stag before it bounds off into the woods.
- Teams paddling to see who can upset a rival patrols canoe during camp games.
- Smoke slowly rising from a campfire while you and a hundred other scouts sing in joyous dis-harmony.
Camps are removed from the hustle and bustle world of mass information, media and technology. This type of “protected environment” provides a significant opportunity for growth among young men and women. Time seems to take a different meaning when the day is not filled with television, radio, video games and visits to local malls. This is the starting place for change.
At camp, bcouts have time to consider and reflect on their place in life. Strong personal values and character are shaped as young men/woman are encouraged to take part in decisions that impact others, contemplate their relationship with God, reflect on personal values, and participate in patriotic activities regarding American citizenship.
At camp, scouts gain a positive sense of self-worth and usefulness through serving others. Majorities of boys serve their peers at camp through helping clean up campsites, helping clean up after meals, and serving food.
Scout camp is a place where caring and nurturing relationships are developed and deepened. In the camp environment friendships don’t stop at the peer level. Adult leaders develop respect and trust among Scouts as they mentor skills and share knowledge. Also, many boys mention that they talk with an adult leader for advice during camp.
Young scouts seldom consider “school learning” to be exciting. Learning at Scout camp is a different story! Summer camp is an outdoor classroom in which scouts test themselves. They test their skills, as well as their courage to try new things.
Scouts are productive and creative at camp. Young scouts are motivated by the concept of mastery. It is the basis for what has driven the extreme popularity of video games. When coupled with learning useful life skills, this need results in truly productive outcomes. Almost all Scouts work with others on a badge or task, or complete a merit badge while at camp.
Camps are structured to encourage boys to spend time working and playing socially in ways that may seldom happen outside of camp. Majorities of Scouts collaborate with other youth on accomplishments, participate in group decision-making and activities, and help resolve interpersonal conflicts.
Parents see the difference Scout camp makes. A clear majority of parents of Scouts who attend camp say the camp experience resulted in a change in their sons. They agree their sons have fun, are safe, and learn and test new skills.
Hey, it's not all work at Blue Ridge. Part of the fun is laughing with your friends at a campfire, enjoying a break at the trading post, playing in a friendly game, or cheering on a friend as he competes in the water carnival events. Camp Powhatan at Blue Ridge Scour Reservation is more than a week away from home, it's FUN, don't miss the ADVENTURE!
Important Information and Downloads:
Sign-ups for all of our Summer 2024 programs can be found by clicking
Program Signups and Activity Sheets for Blue Ridge Scout Reservation Campers
Program Summary
Troop Activity Sign-up Sheet NOTE: Sign up for Merit Badges here also!
REQUIRED paperwork for Blue Ridge Scout Reservation Campers
Troop Discipline Policy
BSA Health Form
Special Diet Form NOTE: Due to Blue Ridge & troop by 7/1!!!
General Blue Ridge Scout Reservation information.
ATV Program Release
ATV Online Safety Course
Action Shooting Permission
NRA Parent Waiver
Medication form
Camp Powhatan Map
Packing Information:
Summer Camp Packing List
Picture of Summer Camp Trunk - Dimensions: 31.25"L x 17.63"W x 13.8"H
Walmart Trunk Link
Mosquito Net Frame Directions
Amazon Insect Netting
Amazon popup mosquito net

"The Scoutmaster teaches boys to play the game by doing so himself."
-- Sir Robert Baden-Powell
Make sure your Boy Scout does not miss the opportunities of Scout summer camp. The “hidden value” of Scout camp will benefit your son for a lifetime!