Scouts BSA

Troop 29

Venture Patrol

Venture Patrol Stripe

A little bit about Troop 29's Venture Patrol

The "Venture Patrol" is comprised of older more experienced scouts interested in participating in more advanced, higher adventure activities. It is a unique patrol because all of the boys in the Venture Patrol are also members of Regular Patrols. An Assistant Scout Master is assigned to oversee the Venture Patrol and is responsible for guiding boys as they plan their activities. The patrol meets once each month to plan high adventure activities and to receive specialized training pertaining to those activities. For each activity the Venture patrol participates in they elect a boy to serve as the patrol leader for the duration of that activity. To be a member of the Venture Patrol is a privilege and an honor as only those boys who exemplify the best qualities of scouting, demonstrate strong outdoor/survival skills and contribute positively to the troop are invited to become members. To be eligible for the Troop 29 Venture Patrol a scout must have achieved the rank of First Class or higher, be at least 14 years old, have participated in at least 50% of the last 12 months Troop camping activites, and be endorsed by the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters of Troop 29. Boys that are members of the Venture Patrol wear the "Venture strip" over the right pocket of their standard Boy Scout uniform.

It should be noted that a Venture patrol is not the same thing as Venturing or a Venture Crew. Venturing is a separate program for young men and women ages fourteen through twenty-one. Young men and women that are in Venturing are members of a "Venture Crew" and not a Boy Scout Troop. Venture Patrols, however, are established within a Boy Scout Troop as an optional program for boys fourteen through seventeen years old. Venture Patrol members are Boy Scouts and should not be referred to as Venture Scouts. Venture patrols experience more autonomy from the troop than ordinary patrols, and provide older Scouts with expanded social contact and physical challenges. In Troop 29, Venture Patrol members are expected to actively participate in regular Troop functions and be involved in helping younger scouts to learn and advance as a condition of being a member of the Venture Patrol.

Venture Patrol Objective

  • to plan and participate in high-adventure activities.
  • to develop and enhance scout skills and leadership abiliities.
  • to enrich the scouting experience for all scouts in the troop.


  • To allow experienced Scouts demonstrating Scout spirit and participating actively within the troop to plan and enjoy high adventure activities.
  • To engage older scouts in Troop service – Venture Patrol members are expected to be active in Troop Leadership, to actively assist the Troop Guides in the development of younger Scouts, and to provide training and scout-skill development sessions at Troop meetings and outings.
  • To enhance the Troop’s community service – Venture Patrol members are expected to participate in Troop community service activities and to schedule their own service projects.