Training and Troop 29
Every Boy Deserves a Trained Leader
The journey from Fast Start to Wood Badge is a seamless progression for adults and an unending benefit for BSA youth. Fast Start Orientation and New Leader Essentials—the first two steps in new-leader training—introduce new leaders to the Boy Scouting program. Leader Specific Training, as the name implies, focuses on specific leader roles and will require several days to complete, depending on an individual's previous outdoor skills experience.Adult leaders in Troop 29 are required to achieve the Trained designation. Since 2010 Troop 29 boasts 100% trained leadership at both the Committee and Uniformed Staff levels!
Download details of Troop 29's Training Policy/Process.
Training is an essential element of Troop 29's ethic. We believe that our scouts benefit from a fully trained staff. With the goals of delivering successfully on the Promise of Scouting we see no other way to ensure we keep this promise than by being 100% trained. Further, we encourage and will frequently subsidizes our leaders when they pursue advanced BSA training.
Adult leaders follow a training continuum. All leaders take a core set of three classes (listed below) and then follow their own separate path depending on the role they will play in the troop.
BSA Online Training
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All Leaders (Committee & Uniformed)
Youth Protection TrainingYouth Protection Training is the required first step for any new volunteer in any Scouting position and must be completed at the time of registration and before he or she meets with any youth member.
Registration with Troop 29 and annual renewal for any BSA adult position requires completion of Youth Protection Training (YPT) every two (2) years. Those individuals not meeting these YPT criteria will not have their annual registration renewed.
Youth Protection Training for Boy Scout Leaders is available online at Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is completed online.
Fast Start: Boy ScoutingFast start is the next step for any new volunteer and is to be delivered immediately after a new leader registers and before he or she meets with any youth member.
Fast Start is available to all persons interested in the Scouting program and is required for any direct contact leader to achieve fully trained status. This training is not designed to replace Basic Leader Training, but rather to provide you with a quick introduction and overview of the program.
Fast Start is also available online at Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online.
This is Scouting
This Is Scouting replaces New Leader Essentials and is available online at Completion of This Is Scouting is required for any direct contact leader to achieve fully trained status.
This is Scouting provides an overview of the Scouting organization, including history, values, programs, youth protection, community involvement, and training. The module consists of six video sections, each followed by a brief quiz. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online. Estimated time to complete: 50 minutes.
Committee Members
Troop Committee ChallengeTroop Committee Challenge builds working committees that provide better service to units. This training will help committee members understand the importance of their role in the committee. Committee Members take Youth Protection Training, Boy Scout Leader Fast Start Training, This is Scouting, then Troop Committee Challenge.
Troop Committee Challenge is available online at . Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records. Estimated time to complete: 45 minutes.
Uniformed Leaders
Scoutmaster/Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Specific TrainingRequired for all Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters, and transitioning Webelos leaders. This session concentrates on Troop operation.
Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (I.O.L.S.)
This course takes Boy Scout leaders outdoors (a Scout's natural home) and helps them learn the basics of outdoor living. This course is intended to familiarize them with camping equipment, cooking and outdoor activities. This course is an entire weekend event and offered periodically by the Districts of the DelMarVa council.
Advanced Uniformed Leader Training
Wood Badge for the 21st CenturyWood Badge for the 21st Century is designed for all leaders. It teaches leadership skills. To attend, leaders must be trained according to the standards of their specific Scouting positions.
Wood Badge is group training held on two weekends, requires additional interim meetings and an 18 month project. You must attend BOTH weekends.
Climb On Safely (Re-certification required every two years)
This training covers eight key safety points about climbing and rappelling and is recommended for adult leaders organizing any type of climbing outing. You will watch a brief video broken into three sections and answer questions after each section.
Climb On Safely is available online at Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records. Estimated time to complete: 30 minutes.
Hazardous Weather Training
To obtain an approved Tour Permit, at least one adult attending the outing must have completed Hazardous Weather training. All leaders are encouraged to take this online course.
Hazardous Weather training for Boy Scout Leaders is available online at: Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records. Estimated time to complete: 40 minutes.
Safe Swim Defense (Re-certification required every two years)
Before a BSA group may engage in swimming activities of any kind, a minimum of one adult leader must complete Safe Swim Defense training, have a commitment card (No. 34243) with them, and agree to use the eight defenses in this plan.
Safe Swim Defense is also available online at Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records.
Safety Afloat (Re-certification required every two years)
Safety Afloat training has been developed to promote boating and boating safety and to set standards for safe unit activity afloat. Before a BSA group may engage in an excursion, expedition, or trip on the water (canoe, raft, sailboat, motorboat, rowboat, floating in an inner tube, or other craft), adult leaders for such activity must complete Safety Afloat Training, No. 34159, have a commitment card (No. 34242) with them, and be dedicated to full compliance with all nine points of Safety Afloat.
Safety Afloat is also available online at Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records.
Trek Safely (Re-certification required every two years)
This course covers seven key safety points about trekking and is recommended for adult leaders organizing any type of trek. You will watch a brief video broken into two sections and answer questions after each section.
Trek Safely is also available online at Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records. Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes.
CPR/AED (Re-certification required every two years)
This course is offered by a variety of certified providers. We will attend external (YMCA, BSA, etc.) events or offer our own internal training if the number of people requiring training will support the effort.
Troop 29 believes strongly that CPR knowledge saves lives. We encourage ALL leaders to be trained and REQUIRE any High Adventure leaders to be CPR/AED trained.
Wilderness First Aid (Re-certification required every two years)
ALL leaders to be trained and REQUIRE any High Adventure leaders to have attended.
Basic First Aid
Troop 29 leaders are encouraged to attend in house offered First Aid training.

Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters are considered trained when they have completed:
- Fast Start: Boy Scouting
- This is Scouting
- IOLS (Outdoor training)
- SM/ASM Leader Training
- Youth Protection
Troop committee members are considered trained when they have completed:
- Fast Start: Boy Scouting
- This is Scouting
- Troop Committee Challenge
- Youth Protection
Woodbadge Ticketed
Woodbadge Trained