A Purpose Driven Troop
- Our values are the purpose, learning is the process, fun and personal growth are the result.
Join Troop 29 NOW!
Webelos! Wondering where you can join scouting this fall? Is your chosen troop not meeting? Well why hold up your scouting career when you can join Troop 29 right away. Troop 29 is conducting it's First Year / First Class program intended for new scouts online so you won't miss anything. Our "Wizard Lizards" patrol is meeting every week and our Troop Guides are working with scouts just like they would if we were meeting in person.How many organizations make a "PROMISE" to deliver? Every Scout, Scouter and adult volunteer in Troop 29 is dedicated to fulfilling Scouting's promise for every Scout in our Troop.
SCOUTING promises you the great outdoors. As a Scout, you can learn
how to camp and hike without leaving a trace and how to take care of
the land. You'll study wildlife up close and learn about nature all around
you. There are plenty of skills for you to master, and you can teach
others what you have learned. Everyone helping everyone else - that's
part of Scouting, too.
SCOUTING promises you friendship. Members of the troop you join
might be boys you already know, and you will meet many other Scouts
along the way. Some could become lifelong friends.
SCOUTING promises you opportunities to work toward the Eagle
Scout rank. You will set positive goals for yourself and then follow clear
routes to achieve them.
SCOUTING promises you tools to help you make the most of your
family, your community,and your nation. The good deeds you perform
every day will improve the lives of those around you. You will be prepared to help others in time of need.
SCOUTING promises you experiences and duties that will help you
mature into a strong, wise adult. The Scout Oath and the Scout Law can
guide you as a Scout and throughout your life
- Make some of the best friends you'll ever make in your life!
- Go on camping trips to some of the best places. Even places where the average public is not allowed!
- Learn some very valuable skills that can help you in your future life!
- Have experiences that you will remember for the rest of your life!
- Remember the time you spend as a youth as the most enjoyable part of your life!
Since 1910, these principles have been taught in an atmosphere of recreation and fun, which allow young people to develop self-confidence, leadership and moral character. More and more men, trained as Scouts, are taking their places in today's world as responsible adult leaders. Men, who earned badges as Scouts, sit on the Supreme Court and in the chambers of Congress.
Troop 29 is sponsored by Red Clay Creek Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, Delaware.
The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
All boys of scouting age are welcome to become new members of our troop.
Eagle Scouts: Merit Beyond the Merit Badge

- Have higher levels of planning and preparation skills, be goal-oriented, and network with others
- Be in a leadership position at their place of employment or local community
- Report having closer relationships with family and friends
- Volunteer for religious and nonreligious organizations
- Donate money to charitable groups
- Work with others to improve their neighborhoods

"The religion of a man is not the creed he professes but his life - what he acts upon, and knows of life, and his duty in it. A bad man who believes in a creed is no more religious than the good man who does not." - Baden-Powell quoting Carlyle

Troop 29 is BSA GOLD Journey to Excellence Rated.

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Troop Annual Plan Workbook


Congratulations Luke and Sid! Luke is Troop 29's 168th Eagle Scout and Sid is the 169
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